Jeremiah CLEVELAND 1757 - 1840
Revolutionary War soldier, of Habersham County, Georgia; school teacher, farmer, miller. {2}
Jeremiah Cleveland was born August 12, 1757 in Culpeper, Culpeper County, Virginia to parents Jacob and Mildred/Millie WHITE CLEVELAND. {1, 2, 4} Jeremiah was the first of twelve children, 9 boys and 3 girls.
In 1780, at age 23, Jeremiah still lived in Albemarle County, Virginia. {5}
Tradition states that Jeremiah's parents lived in Culpeper Co., VA until about 1780, when they moved to SC, but there is evidence that they may have first moved to Pittsylvania Co. near his grandfather before continuing south.
Early in 1780 Jeremiah's parents and some of their adult children moved to Abbeville District, SC. Soon Jacob and his sons left the farm to join up with the Patriots to fight against the British.{8}
Jeremiah and his father Jacob both served in the Revolutionary War. There is a record of a Jeremiah Cleveland, of Habersham Co., GA, listed in Georgia's Roster of the Revolution by Knight.
Jeremiah first married Nancy Helen CLARK in Habersham Co., Georgia. Nancy Helen CLARK was born around 1760 in Habersham County, GA.
There is conflicting information on their children, but they are thought to have had four boys and two girls, all born at Plantation, Habersham County, Georgia: James, born 1788; John, born 1790; Siletta, born 1792; Sarah Helen, born 1794; Jefferson, born 1796; William, born 4 Nov 1798 (or possibly SC).
Nancy CLARK CLEVELAND died in 1800; when Jeremiah was age 43, and the children were between the ages of 2 and 12 years old.
Jeremiah later married Martha SMITH, who was born in South Carolina and may have had additional children with her.(2)

There are several Jeremiah Cleveland's listed in the various Census reports for Georgia, with a variety of spellings: Jeremiah/Jerimiah and Cleveland/Cleaveland/{6}
Jeremiah Cleveland died in 1840, in Habersham County, Georgia.{4}
In the 1850 Federal Census for District 12, Habersham County, Georgia, there is a Martha CLEVELAND, age 65, birthplace in South Carolina, living with one female age 30 with initials N.C. and one male age 28 with initials R. C.
{1} U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
{2} North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 : Descendants of Alexander CLEVELAND, p.2075, Item 16029 ‘Jacob CLEVELAND’; p.2099, Item 16109 Jeremiah CLEVELAND.
{3} Family Data Collection – Individual Records
{4} Family Data Collection – Births
{5} U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820
{6} Georgia, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890Jeremiah Cleveland